Welcome to Lean ISO Management systems LMS. Pick your course and let’s get started.
Lean Procedures Explained
“Every system is perfectly designed to get the results it gets.”
– W. Edwards Deming
This interactive course will introduce you to:
- Understanding of what Lean methods are about
- Awareness of how you can use the Lean approach to simplify your ISO management system documents
- Learning how to identify wastes in procedures and how to eliminate them
- Practicing on making procedures Lean (participants procedures or instructors’ samples)
- Learning how to use Lean-O-Meter to test your procedures for Lean
- An idea of what it cost to transition to Lean management system procedures
The course materials include:
- Course slides
- A link to our Lean ISO Procedures Jump-Start Kit (some $200 worth)
- A link to The Lean Revolution eBook download
- Copies of course exercise documents:
- Procedure Template 01
- Sample Handling 1 original
- Sample Handling 2 top
- Sample Handling 3 top Lean
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- The agenda
- Objectives
- Cost of Non-Lean Documentation Video
- Waste in procedures – the blacklist
- Waste in procedures – twenty-plus burdens explained
- Material Handling Procedure exercise
- Break and quiz
- Document Template example
- Quality of writing exercise
- The Three-B Rule
- Recent success stories
- Procedure validation case study
- Training Procedure exercise (as time allows)
- Lean-O-Meter explained
- The cost of transition to Lean documentation overview
- Case study: Injection Molding Shop, Phase I
- Questions and the wrap-up
“Every system is perfectly designed to get the results it gets.”
– W. Edwards Deming
This interactive course will introduce you to:
- Understanding of what Lean methods are about
- Awareness of how you can use the Lean approach to simplify your ISO management system documents
- Learning how to identify wastes in procedures and how to eliminate them
- Practicing on making procedures Lean (participants procedures or instructors’ samples)
- Learning how to use Lean-O-Meter to test your procedures for Lean
- An idea of what it cost to transition to Lean management system procedures
The course materials include:
- Course slides
- A link to our Lean ISO Procedures Jump-Start Kit (some $200 worth)
- A link to The Lean Revolution eBook download
- Copies of course exercise documents:
- Procedure Template 01
- Sample Handling 1 original
- Sample Handling 2 top
- Sample Handling 3 top Lean
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- The agenda
- Objectives
- Cost of Non-Lean Documentation Video
- Waste in procedures – the blacklist
- Waste in procedures – twenty-plus burdens explained
- Material Handling Procedure exercise
- Break and quiz
- Document Template example
- Quality of writing exercise
- The Three-B Rule
- Recent success stories
- Procedure validation case study
- Training Procedure exercise (as time allows)
- Lean-O-Meter explained
- The cost of transition to Lean documentation overview
- Case study: Injection Molding Shop, Phase I
- Questions and the wrap-up